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"Bette Davis"


La vejez

no es un lugar para

is not for

This quotation from the famous American actress Bette Davis is as popular as it is controversial, mainly because initially it gives us an uneasy feeling but it also contains a lot of truth and potential for reflection.

"Bette Davis"

Old age


With the passing years, everybody gets to a point, where he or she becomes aware of the fact that they are getting older; no matter what their actual age. It could be, when you are planning to have children, when you first notice signs of creaky joints or when you begin to think seriously about your pension and your future financial situation. One day you suddenly realize that the days of your carefree youth are over and you have to start to think of what next. You know the process of getting older is just natural and that it is not just “how old you get”, but rather “how you get old”. Taking decisions is always a question of courage; with every decision you make, you start preparing for the future, confronting the facts and fears of growing older which were so easily put off when you were younger. 

Health and personal well being, together with financial security, are the columns on which to build a positive future, and in reality, the earlier you start, the better you are prepared to deal with possible problems. It is necessary to take care of your personal well being, a WHO (World Health Organization) defintion says that health is not the “healing of illness”, but rather a state of “physical, mental and social happiness”. Practising sports, following a balanced diet and healthy surroundings are therefore very important basics. Daily walks along the ´prom´or a refreshing swim in the clear waters of the sea, are healthy things to do. A regular spring like climate, encourages being out of doors enjoying nature. Instead of smog and exhaust fumes, you can breathe the fresh Atlantic air. The decision to change from city life to life o an island is a very positive step to find a place that definitely helps you to be healthier. A big step you might say, well actually not. Lanzarote is full of people who will tell you that it was the best decision they ever made and they wouldn´t like to go back to live in their native country. What it needs is courage to make that step.


When you think of the fact that life expectancy is increasing, it gets more important to think of your financial future, a large proportion who starts thinking about pensions, probably has a quarter of their life still to live. Studies now prove that the average life of men is 74.6 years and of women over 82 years. Forced by this, the state already asks for more involvement, growing life expectancy has become a bigger personal challenge, so it becomes necessary to consider carefully your personal situation and decide which steps are best to take for your future. Nobody understands better than you yourself how you want the future to progress. Sometimes you have to ask yourself difficult questions in order to find as many solutions as possible.

"Getting older requires courage"

Financial experts recommend  that it is best to start thinking early on your future life style, for example spending a large part of your potential pension fund on paying rent when you could pay a mortgage and consider a property your own, which later on means a security for you as a sure step into a better quality of life. Here, of course, it is absolutely necessary, to take decisions rather sooner than later.


The quotation “old age is no place for sissies” may evoke feelings of uneasiness at first glance because there is an element of truth which stirs up thoughts you may not like, but this can be counteracted by positive thinking. “Getting older takes courage”: courage to ask yourself pertinent questions, courage to take decisions and courage to be positive about the ageing process. Good preparation is the best way to an independent future.

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